Health Issues

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do. You will live a longer, healthier life. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Strong evidence suggests that smoking is related to numerous diseases and conditions. Almost every organ and body systems are adversely affected by tobacco smoke. Fortunately, most of this starts to reverse after a smoker quits smoking!

Health Risks of Smoking:
Smoking brings immediate pleasure, but at the cost of tremendous health risks. Smoking has more impact on health than people usually know. The following articles inform you about the many harmful effects of smoking addiction:

 Smoking causes most Oral Cancers (VIDEO)
 Lung Damage can lead to COPD (VIDEO)
 Prevent Lung Cancer from growing? (VIDEO)
 How Does Smoking Cause Impotence? (VIDEO)
 What links Smoking to Stroke? (VIDEO)

Health Risks for Others:

 effects of exposure to environmental smoke
 contamination after a cigarette is extinguished

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