Lung Cancer & Smoking

Smoking causes lung cancer. Of all people with lung cancer, nearly 90% is attributable to smoking. The most effective way to prevent lung cancer is: to not smoke or quit smoking. The risk of death caused by smoking increases the more cigarettes someone smokes. The younger one stops smoking, the better. That is, the more the chance of death resembles that of a non-smoker. Stopping at any age is appropriate, given the rapid positive effects of quitting on the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.

  • One in every four smokers dies early (between the 35th and 69th year of life), due to the effects of smoking. This is almost like a gun to your head, in which one of the four chambers is loaded.
  • Substances in tobacco smoke affect a gene that protects the body against cancer. Thus smoking causes cancer.
  • Smoking is more dangerous than before. Light cigarettes make people smoke more and inhale deeper. The amount of carcinogens inhaled is therefore greater.

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