Risks of Smoking Weed Cannabis

The smoking of cannabis is the most effective way of use. The THC is converted to smoke, which condense an gets inhaled. The drug is quickly absorbed in the blood by the lungs, travel directly to the heart and is pumped throughout the body. Already the first few seconds after inhalation, the drug penetrates into the brains. This rapid mechanism lets experienced cannabis smokers easily regulate their dose.

Immediate health risks of smoking weed

  • Cannabis increases the mood of the moment. Who feels bad, can even start feeling worse. In people who are mentally vulnerable or have a predisposition for psychotic disorders, cannabis use can trigger or exacerbate the problems.
  • A cannabis intoxication make users experience difficulties to concentrate, think logically and remembering something. Cannabis use is not compatible with work, studying or traffic participation. Nevertheless some users have the impression that everything goes smoothly.
  • Cannabis makes your blood pressure drop and ensures a faster heartbeat. That can be dangerous for people with heart problems.
  • Due to a high dose of THC someone can be nauseous and dizzy and sometimes faint. This risk is especially high if you eat cannabis. That way it’s hard to estimate the amount of THC you actually get inside.
  • Too high a dose of THC may also produce a lot of negative feelings such as intense anxiety, panic attacks, depression, restlessness, confusion and hallucinations. These negative feelings, often experienced as 'freaking', can reoccur in the next days or weeks.
Long-term Risks of Cannabis Use
  • Prolonged and frequent cannabis use reduces the concentration, memory and learning performance. After stopping, these problems still persist for several months before they disappear.
  • Often used, cannabis van cause mental dependence. This means that cannabis gets a central place in your thoughts, feelings and actions and you can’t easily stop.
  • Prolonged cannabis use presents no risk for physical dependence, but does harm to health. Smoking is bad for your health. This also applies to smoking cannabis. A joint contains more tar than a cigarette. Even those who smoke cannabis without tobacco, get more tar. Therefore you run the risk of a lung disease (bronchitis, lung cancer, respiratory disease) or heart problems. Moreover, many cannabis smokers inhale the smoke deeper, which increases the harm. Who smokes cannabis with tobacco, becomes easily physically dependent on the nicotine in tobacco.

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